The Garrison


Christian, You Have A Conquering King | TG

Psalm 110 reads, The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit ay my right hand, until I make your enemies your...

The Inheritance | TG

Do you have a strong enough back bone in prayer to ask the dreadful.. “on earth as it is in...

Jesus The Plunderer of Goods | TG

In Matthew 12:22-30 we have an account of Jesus healing a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute. After He...

Manasseh’s Words of Warning

Let the reader be wise, and see the warning to these United States that this story bluntly gives. Yes, our...

Your Husband Is Not Your Only Pastor

Here is my purpose in a nutshell: I want you to see how this passage requires the same commitment from...

Lauren Daigle and The Uncertainty of Evangelicalism

The Christian Post dropped an article recently entitled, “Lauren Daigle on homosexuality: I can’t say one way or the other if it’s...

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