Our Inheritance

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

What does, “on earth as it is in heaven,” mean for the “earth” right now? What happens when we pray for “heaven” to fill the earth?  Does it mean we want Christ’s name to be made the greatest name on earth?…because it is in heaven. What about triumphant holiness? Perfect holiness fills heaven. But I would argue it’s more important to have holiness on the earth right now. What about large companies of saved souls? There is in heaven right now a multitude to great to count.. pshh… who wants that on the earth?… I know I do.

Glorious community? We know nothing of community unless we want what heaven has to offer. What about that on earth? Start asking. Heaven has a full orbed worship. I mean six-winged Seraphim cry out the Trihagion as they burn with an intense fervent love towards the ancient of days. That’s serious worship. Yes. I want that serious worship full of burning love towards God.

Yes. I want that on earth.

What about prayer that doesn’t lose steam? Oh that we would pray like Christ who intercedes in heaven on our behalf. We know not of the depths of that kind of prayer, but I want to… on earth. What about hard work? Because you know laziness does not exist in heaven with Christ as it’s King.

The glorious gospel presence is in its fullest sense manifested continually through the face of the reigning Christ in heaven. That’s a sight. That will take your breath away. Well that same Christ walks amongst us now as we spread that gospel truth through the earth until it covers every square inch of life on earth as it is in heaven. Those are just a few things that come to my mind when I think of heaven infiltrating earth. Yah, I guess I do want that on “earth” right now. What say ye fellow Christian? Do you have a strong enough back bone in prayer to ask the dreadful, “on earth as it is in heaven?” It’s going to take one. We could use more heaven on earth right now. 

Nick Perry

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